"I Miss My Mommy" was on TV!

When Carla Lucchetta and the crew from The Agenda with Steve Paikin left my home, after an afternoon talking about grief and deceased parents, I felt relaxed and spent in the best possible way. Meaningful conversations will do that to you. Seek them out and be emotionally brave.

PS: I found it appropriate and hilarious that a scrunched up Kleenex ball made it into one of the opening shots. That's so me. My apartment sometimes looks like a Jiffy Pop pan.

If you’re struggling with loss, I hope my book, I MISS MY MOMMY, helps you find a way to sit with emotions you’ve been avoiding, but can’t stop feeling.

"Book cover for 'I Miss My Mommy' depicting stages of grief in orphaned adults" by Alison Garwood-Jones

Present the book to a friend who misses their mom on Mother’s Day, or someone who is still trying to make sense of their relationship with a parent.

I MISS MY MOMMY is now available for pre-order at PenJarProductions.com. As a thank you to those who place a Pre- Order, I will email you a FREE chapter.

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