My Story

I'm Alison, and I'm the illustrator behind Pen Jar Productions, the Print Shop for people looking to add more beauty or whimsy to their home or office. Here are some basic facts about me:

• I write magazine features and teach digital strategy and writing courses at the University of Toronto (SCS).

• My staff pass to the Musée d'Orsay was the most fun portal I've ever been down.

• I'm a former editor at Elle. 

• I started drawing again when the iPad came out.

• After I began posting my drawings on Instagram, friends nudged me with comments, like: "I can see where that would go in my home?" Or, "I need that above my desk."

With the invention of print-on-demand technology, I can serve you. I've teamed up with Lulu to publish my graphic novel, I Miss My Mommy.

I have also teamed up with Printful to bring you my one-of-a-kind illustrations — not NFTs, but real works you can hold and frame. 

Remember, sometimes the internet tells you what it wants from you. You best listen. In my case it was more drawings, less writing. 

Got an idea for a drawing or a product? I'll meet you over on my Contact Page.