I first wrote about my mother for Glow Magazine in May, 2013. Catherine Garwood-Jones died in December. 2012.

The Agenda with Steve Paikin came to my studio in May 2024 and produced this beautiful profile of my graphic novel about orphaned adult grief, I Miss My Mommy. Here are two Thank you to producer, Carla Lucchetta.
Anne Bokma, author of My Year of Living Spiritually sat down with me in May 2024 to discuss my graphic novel for her column in the Hamilton Spectator.

Publishers Weekly ran a good review of I Miss My Mommy.

Kirkus Reviews gave I Miss My Mommy a starred review:

The full review was featured in the Kirkus Reviews print magazine (October 15th edition).

I sat down with the content marketing team at the University of Toronto (SCS) to discuss the marketing challenges and opportunities when authors sell direct to their readers. Click on this link to read my discussion with Sarah MacDonald about my graphic novel, I Miss My Mommy: 150 Portraits of Orphaned Adults.